Atomic Habits was the chosen book for the Non-Fiction category of their 2024 competition. While I was too late for the deadline, I used the opportunity to create some book covers. Each book cover reflects a different take on how to read "atomic habits" in a literal sense, both scientifically and socially, especially with the sticky notes.
Image on left from Amazon.com

The colour scheme was chosen for the illustative covers was chosen from looking up Atomic Habits on the Adobe Colour website. It also emits the science feeling even more, and goes very well withe the Penguin logo.

All of the copy is played with to maximise representation of the imagery. The typeface especially on this second cover is super old and science like with the typer writer aesthetic, habits being as old as time and atoms.

The third cover makes use of my photography skills as well as with photoshop and layout. However, some copy at the front was put to the blurb at the very top, as it could not be fit with how I wanted to display it. The spine is also the most basic as it balances out the hand written front cover.