Album, noun
1. a blank book for the insertion of photographs, stamps, or pictures.
2. a collection of recordings issued as a single item on CD, record, or another medium.
Album was my final Major project for University. It was a book series made to inspire, teach, and keep record of art in its many forms in alphabetical order. Each letter would be a different theme, beginning with the word itself, Album, which also doubled as a style guide for the series and brand. I also included work made by myself as further demonstration.
As this was such a huge undertaking, any writing that I could not write myself (about my own work), was produced by Chat GPT. This fact may be a hinderance, as while the content was important, to produce all of it was not.
Despite this, all images are real images, and I produced a few pieces of my own, such as photographs, stop motion animations, and graphics, as well as all of the layout design for the content to sit.

The finished series contains 3 fully realised books, as well as teases for D for Denmark, as I was going there in the summer and thought it ammusing as an easter egg. There A for Album, B for Berlin (which was visited prior), and C for Collage, where much of my hand made work was published.

B and C stand together, as well as image of some the physical work done to make the books happen, as well as one of the posters for D for Denmark.
A is for Album walkthrough with Issuu
B is for Berlin walkthrough with Issuu
Simple stop motion animation to inspire readers. The book would include a link to where you can find it, luckily you can watch it right here! I used the darkroom to create photograms of rubbish, then made them pile onto each other in after effects as digital images, with a simple message at the end in the same title font as the book.

Inspired by a reason for me to visit Denamrk, the Lego House.

Art you can expect to see within the book, The famous Mermaid is actually not the only mermaid you can go see around Copenhagen...

Following my collage experience, I fancied creating my own historical food for art, 100% delicious, but not as good as the real thing.